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Homestead Feasibility Study of (BEGT)

City of Homestead Feasibility Study of Biscayne Everglades Greenway Trail (BEGT)

Miller Legg conducted a feasibility study to assist the City of Homestead in determining the preferred route and trail design for the alignment of the Western Extension of the existing Biscayne Everglades Greenway Trail (BEGT). The Study Area is from the C-103 Canal Crossing at East Mowry Drive to the 192nd Avenue intersection with West Mowry Drive. 

Miller Legg’s scope comprises compilation of an existing conditions inventory, preparation of a matrix of criteria to use in the evaluation of the potential trail alignments, preparation of various preliminary alignment alternatives with Opinions of Probable Cost, development of a preferred alignment with location, typical design, proposed enhancements, right of way/property issues associated with implementation, followed by creation of the Feasibility Report for presentation to the City Council. The Study was funded by a FDOT Grant.

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