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Palm Beach Gardens Tennis & Pickleball Center

City of Palm Beach Gardens Tennis and Pickleball Center 

The City of Palm Beach Gardens’ Tennis & Pickleball Center, a premier community public 18-court facility and recipient of a 2014 US Tennis Association National Outstanding Facility Award, was in need of a new clubhouse to enhance the patrons’ experience. Collaborating with an architecture firm, Miller Legg provided civil and landscape architecture design services for the new 12,000 SF building.

The new clubhouse maximizes views of the courts for spectators, provides enhanced pro shop and dining amenities as well as improved access and circulation at the facility.

Miller Legg’s scope included programming, design, permitting, and construction observation services. Permitting was coordinated through the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Palm Beach Gardens Fire, Health and Public Works Departments as well as Seacoast Utility Authority.

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