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Plantation Preserve & Golf Club

Plantation Preserve & Golf Club

Initial Project

This 213-acre project involved the City of Plantation’s acquisition of the former Plantation Golf Club and the subsequent design of an Audubon-certified par 72 championship golf course incorporating a 1.5-mile linear trail recreational component within the interior of the proposed golf course, as well as 1,000 feet of entrance roadway relocated for SW 70th Avenue from SR 842/Broward Boulevard. Miller Legg coordinated with the Florida Department of Transportation on this roadway entrance feature.

The linear trail is part of a 40-acre wetland/upland project component which provides tactical and visual elements for the golf course as well as assisting in stormwater management for the project.  Miller Legg also coordinated with the City staff in the pursuit of additional project funding opportunities related to the creation of wetland credits onsite.  Miller Legg worked closely with the multiple stakeholders to initially configure the property for sale to the City of Plantation using Florida Communities Trust (FCT) and Broward County Open Space Acquisition funding.

Services provided included overall project management services as well as site master planning, wetland mitigation design and environmental permitting, surveying, landscape architecture, engineering services, stormwater management, design and permitting, flora and fauna evaluation, archaeological coordination and construction services.

Of note; this project included creating wetland mitigation areas that were used by third party entities to reimburse the City. The wetlands were designed and integrated into project amenities which include a 1.5 mile multi-use public trail with bridges, benches, overlooks, educational kiosks and incorporation of an archeological site.

The project integrates a stormwater system at the area along with the wetland habitat, and provides a treatment train of water quality bioswales and shelves in the golf course hazards prior to discharging into the wetland system.

This project received the 2009 FNGLA Landscape Award of Excellence.

Environmental Services

Panthers Plantation Golf, Inc. (PPG) purchased this golf course in September 1998 and shut down golfing operations to the public. PPG sought to redevelop the site, however, several environmental issues had to be resolved before State or County regulatory agencies would approve development plans.  Miller Legg’s environmental engineering efforts were primarily targeted within the former golf course maintenance area (GCMA) where petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, and arsenic impacts were identified in the soil and groundwater, the result of improper handling and disposal of chemicals. Historically, the GCMA included a pesticide chemical storage room, maintenance shop, an equipment wash down area, a mulching area, a fuel storage and dispensing area, a used oil storage building and a fertilizer storage building.  A failing septic system serviced the GCMA and was determined to be contributing to the environmental impacts at the site.

Miller Legg completed a Site Assessment Report (SAR) for the Broward County Department of Planning and Environmental Protection (DPEP).  DPEP responded with approval for Natural Attenuation monitoring for petroleum and chlorinated solvents but required a remedial action plan for arsenic.  Miller Legg completed the excavation of arsenic impacted soil from an area within the GCMA and the onsite septic system was removed.

Miller Legg was able to obtain a No Further Action (with Conditions) status at the site through the application of several engineering and institutional controls.  Since the hydraulic regime within the study area was static and the plume did not appear to be migrating beyond the perimeter boundary wells, placement of an impervious asphalt cap over the surficial soil in the GCMA eliminated the direct contact potential exposure pathway.  In addition, installation of a stormwater management system prevented infiltration of stormwater through arsenic impacted soils to the underlying groundwater.  A Declaration of Restrictive Covenant was approved for the site which prohibited groundwater withdrawal and limited future use of the site to a golf course.

With the resolution of environmental issues complete, the City of Plantation purchased the site from PPG using Florida Communities Trust and the Broward County Open Space Acquisition program.  Miller Legg worked with City in the pursuit of additional project funding opportunities related to the creation of a wetland mitigation credit bank.  Miller Legg provided overall project management, master planning, design and permitting, surveying, engineering, environmental, landscape architecture and construction services on the project.  Plantation Preserve and Golf Club is now a true environmental success story in Broward County incorporating pristine wetlands, 1.5 miles of linear trails, an Audubon-certified par 72 championship 18-hole golf course and associated amenities.

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